It was great seeing so many people out there supporting me and the team on Sunday during the Tour de Leelanau.  It was a fun race and although it we didn’t win we had a great time and will fight again. Good to see Charles back from his broken elbow. It was another good learning experience for me…. I raced it like the old Brad. Coming out firing off way too many fireworks early-on and the blowing up before the finish line. I think I may be too marked for the other teams to let me go these days. The legs have recovered a little and it’s been good training up here in Leland. We visited Tower yesterday and did intervals up it to prepare for Philly. Today we put in 4.5 hours and will do a light one tomorrow before heading east. The upcoming races will be fun.  We should have the full team firing by then. Look out!

Thanks again for all of you who showed up and cheered us on! It was great seeing you all!!!